Over 150 videos added
Exciting Update! Our incredible teachers have been hard at work creating Volograms that will leave you in awe! 🚀 Currently processing over 150 videos, each one packed with innovation and passion.
Exciting Update! Our incredible teachers have been hard at work creating Volograms that will leave you in awe! 🚀 Currently processing over 150 videos, each one packed with innovation and passion.
Workshops 1-4 completed: XR Ethics, OER, Volu Training and XR Lesson Plans.
Just a couple of months into our project and we already had an overwhelming interest from teachers around Europe (>100 participants).
January 2023 1-Newsletter_Intro_Vol3DEdu-1Download
With the beginning of the new school year, representatives from University College Dublin Science, Media Pedagogy University of the Aegean, CARDET and Volograms, along with master teachers from Greece, Slovenia, Ireland, Cyprus and Ukraine met together - this time in the beautiful island of Rhodes.
On the 23rd and 24th of June the master trainers of Vol3DEdu project and researchers from all around the world had the pleasure to take part in a workshop in Ireland, hosted by the University College Dublin as part of the Vol3DEdu project, on how to integrate volograms into teaching and discovering their incredible potential for educational purposes.
AI-powered 3D volumetric holograms can add 3D content to educational information. Volu app can capture, play and share volograms with smartphones. Teachers can create the most amazing AR, VR and Metaverse educational content!
In the upcoming Workshop, hosted by University of the Aegean in Rhodes (Greece), teachers will learn how to incorporate these assets in real lesson plans for storytelling, creating captivating and immersive narratives that engage audiences in unique ways.
VR3DEdu aims to enhance the purposeful use of eXtended Reality (XR) digital technologies in the education for teaching, learning, assessment and engagement. This includes the development of Volumetric 3D educational…
Many #teachers across #europe will get the opportunity to educate themselves in the #xr space and play with #volu, an #ai tool developed by Volograms for creating educational material as…