Pedagogical lesson plans with implemented Volumetric 3D assets

WP3 objectives contribute to all general project objectives. More specifically, WP3.1 contributes to the digital transformation of teachers by providing them with open-source training and material for the creation of lesson plans and storytelling accompanied with XR content. It also supports teachers to enhance their education in terms of implementing XR applications and XR based curricula in their pedagogical practice Currently, there is a need for the availability of 3D educational content, which can be utilized by teachers.

By providing them with an open access repository (WP3.2), teachers will be able to search, access, choose and implement 3D content relevant with their lesson plans (WP3.3). This will positively affect their digital readiness and capacity (Project Objective 1) and will support innovative learning and teaching.

The development of the lesson plans through the introduction of Volumetric 3D assets will support the development, testing and implementation from the teachers of flexible learning content, while promoting the teachers’ lifelong learning. Writing for XR educational content requires writing a detailed lesson plan for every moment the Volumetric 3D Assets are activated within the narrative of a lesson plan.

It’s 3D world-building for teachers who are looking actively to discover their place in a lesson plan story, instead of just providing it unfold.